Good Time/ Bad Time
Good Time
The only time we have is whatever we are experiencing at the present moment, Going forward or back in time is impossible. Right this instant is the only place where we can ever live. When we truly live in time, which is where we are now, we are present with our experience. We are in the "here and now." We are in our Reality.
Bad Time
To complete developmental tasks well, we need good parents. When parents are absent or abusive, (Core Sypmtoms versus Blessings) we take that uncompleted aspect of our personality out of time. It goes underground and does not change until it is called out into good time, into time affected by grace and truth, where it can go through normal development. When the true self comes into grace, and truth giving relationships, that self can develop over time.
Some people remember the specific time they decided to leave good time
Others cannot specifically remember making a decision, but nevertheless, as a result of pain and injury, they were forced underground. They were pushed outside of time, and into a place where they could not experience certain years or own their true self. When an aspect of a person does not enter into time, this persons emotional maturity will stagnate at this level and or age.
Stagnation is seen often in people who abuse substances such as drugs and alcohol. Their emotional development likely stopped at the age they began to escape life through substance abuse. One cannot grow when one no longer participates in life.
The Bible contrasts good time and bad time:
But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said God calls us out of the darkness into the light of experience with Jesus and His body. Then time can be good time; when combined with truth and grace, it can transform us and develop us as we need to be developed. If we hide, time is bad time, for it is not being redemptive.
It is literally never too late to open up to those who love us and care about our development. Because the aspect of ourselves that goes outside of time in childhood gets stored in its chronological state, it is still that same age when it returns.
God can use our current relationships to provide the nurturing we didn't receive as children, the mentoring we missed as school-age kids, or the companionship we needed as teenagers. God has promised that he will take care of us.
Because time is experience, we can influence any "past" aspect of ourselves in the present, In the present we can reach the hurting , lonely child of our past. The untrained child, and the whoever else we were. Is till alive; he or she is eternal and lives within us;
Look at how you react to different situations. You respond to some situations like a rejected or hurt child. This child has not been reached by Gods grace and truth because he or she is outside of time. People will tell someone to stop acting like a child, giving them truth without grace, but never give that person what he or she needs.
If someone missed out on important developmental aspects, just because that stage is past chronologically doesn't mean that it cannot be grown up and transformed. We can all work through the trust issues of infancy, the boundary setting issues of toddlerhood, the forgiveness issues of young childhood, and the separation issues of adolescence in our present adulthood. We can all grow up again.
These aspects of the “likeness of God." Our personalities, are still there in their pristine form even if they have been separated from time. By bringing them into the light of experience in grace-giving relationships, our true selves, can be matured and redeemed in Gods masterful process.
Good time is growing time, bad time is stagnation. When grace, truth, and time all come together, we can for the first time be loved and accepted, and through practice and experience grow into mature, healthy, safe adults called out of darkness into the likeness of God.
Getting it all together:
For God's system to work, you have to have all three. GRACE and TIME together, without TRUTH, will make you comfortable in your stuckness.
TRUTH and TIME together, without GRACE, will bring discouragement and judgement
GRACE and TRUTH together without TIME will give you a vision without bringing completion.
They must go together...