Codependency is about
- Our belief system
- Our past or history
- Our present or the filter we view life through
- Extremes
- Completely happy – Absolutely miserable
- Thoroughly enmeshed – Totally detached
- If you do not agree with me unconditionally, then you are against me entirely
- Value
Source of moderation issues
- Observing and reacting to immoderate caregivers
- Exhibiting the opposite behavior
- Do you reflexively react or choose to respond?
- Feeling invisible
- Childhood needs were ignored
- Wants were the focus
- Extreme behaviors received attention
- Repetition Compulsion
- Desire to fix something or master something from our past
- Value
- Do we need to check it out?
- Overwhelm = Moderation issues
Moderation is
- Balance
- Let the pendulum swing from one extreme to the other
- To find the calm in the middle
- Do not have to do more today than what is reasonable
- Empathy
- Having strong internal boundaries
- Sharing an experience without sharing the feelings
- Acceptance
- Moments in time do NOT define us (we are NOT our behavior)
- Making a mistake is only that (mistakes are normal)
- Avoid the shame bind
- Welcome vulnerability causes fear to recede
Moderation and Reality
- Body
- How a person dresses or sees themselves
- Thinking
- Black or white; right or wrong; good or bad
- Behavior
- Extreme behaviors: over the top or absent
- Feelings
- Adult Feeling: mature, authentic, emotional response to thoughts
- Indicates our Reality, Boundaries, Self Care are functioning in a healthy manner
- Adult-Induced Feeling: the result of empathy
- Indicates our Reality, Boundaries, Self Care are functioning in a healthy manner
- Frozen Feelings from Childhood: frozen in moment of time
- Anger, pain, or fear
- May respond in ways that are not age appropriate
- May have minimal emotional response to significant event
- Adult-to-Child Carried Feelings: starts in childhood and carries into adult life
- Feel overwhelmed and out of control (Shame)
Love Addiction
- Takes two
- The Love Addict
- Attracted to power and adulation
- When attention fades, obsesses about - then acts on - how to get it back
- Repeats cycle
- The Avoidance Addict
- Attracted to neediness and vulnerability
- But then feels smothered by neediness and abandons relationship
- Repeats cycle: out of fear of abandonment or guilt
- What if there is only one?
- Do not replace coping skills with a relationship
- Do not be so open that you forfeit your ability to sort, filter, or reject
- Remember true, not true, or questionable (Know YOUR reality)
- Behaviors to strive for
- Show up and be present
- Let go of expectations and honor the power of “no”
- Healthy intimacy
- Trust and acceptance of our true selves
- Love is about knowing someone matters
- It is free of manipulation