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Class Description

The Inner Journey is an 8-week class that goes through the 5 core symptoms based off Facing Codependence by Pia Mellody, Andrea Miller, & J. Keith Miller. We work through each symptom and discuss tools and perspectives that help to create a framework for handling life as it comes, rather than being handled by life.

Class Breakdown

Class 1 - Safe People

We discuss what a safe person is, and how to identify them along with what the characteristics of the four different personalities of the color code are.

Class 2 - Reality

We help define what your reality is made up of and why it is so important as to how you interpret life, we also look at how we use negative control to try and change another person's reality, or let them control our reality.

Class 3 - Reality Part 2 Feelings

We dig into the part of reality we feel, FEELINGS! We look at tools for handling them, how to control them, things to be aware of that we use to try and turn them off, and the positive and negative sides of them.

Class 4 - Boundaries

Now that we have started to understand our Reality, how can we protect it and protect ourselves from forcing that reality onto others? Boundaries are the containers of our Reality. Not only do they protect our Reality, but they also contain our Reality.

Class 5 - Self Care

Knowing our wants and needs is a pivotal step in creating connection in relationships, as well as balancing the share of their needs and wants along with your own needs and wants. This in conjunction with bringing your own reality and boundaries in moderation into the relationship creates the connection that is fulfilling for both people involved.

Class 6 - Moderation

As you grow you start to become aware of areas that are over-the-top or suppressed both of which are not moderate, and then as you bring those areas into healing you will start to notice they get pulled back to a more balanced moderate response. Moderation is the balancing piece that ties very closely to your reality and boundaries, all three combined to give you a sense of your own empowerment and value.

Class 7 - Self Esteem

Self Esteem / Value is what we all strive for, and in the weeks lesson we dig into the different types and how we can work to keep it within ourselves, as well as becoming aware of when we have placed it outside of ourselves and therefor are trying to control others.

Class 8 - Grace, Truth & Time

Now that we have the tools we to work through re-parenting ourselves. These last ingredients are a big help in keeping us moving along the journey

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Class Resources

  • Color Code Personality Test
  • Facing Codependence by Pia Mellody, Andrea Miller, & J. Keith Miller
  • Hiding From Love by Dr. John Townsend
  • Codependent No More by Mellody Beattie
  • The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie
  • Good 'n' Angry: How to Handle Your Anger Positively by Les Carter
  • Mind Over Emotions by Dr. Les Carter
  • Feel the Fear & Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers, Ph.D.
  • Letting Go of Shame by Ronald and Patricia Potter-Efron
  • Change Your Brain Change Your Life by Daniel Amen
  • Boundaries by Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend
  • Changes That Heal by Dr. Henry Cloud
  • Breaking Free by Pia Mellody and Andrea Wells Miller
  • Searching For Significance by Robert S. McGee
  • Imago Dei Ministries
  • Theories of Counseling and Pyschotherapy by Nancy Murdock
  • The Power of TED by David Emerald